
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his gospel, Mark presented Jesus as the ultimate servant, concentrating more on what Jesus did than on what He said. The action begins almost immediately with the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. In the ‘deeper discoveries’ of Dr. Cooper’s commentary, he addresses the controversial ending of Mark’s gospel.

Second, since Jesus is being portrayed as a “servant” or “slave,” there would be no need to show his genealogy since, from a Roman’s standpoint, slaves do not have genealogies. Finally, Mark makes it clear about Jesus’ uniqueness. Jesus is a personal name; it was common among the Jews, being the same as “Joshua” and meaning “the salvation of Jehovah.” Christ is an official title; it is the Greek equivalent of the term “Messiah.” It declares the “anointed one” who is coming to save us from our sins.
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